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Old April 23rd, 2010, 06:44 PM

Rookierookie Rookierookie is offline
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Default Slow performance

I'm getting some extreme performance in my current SP game on Glory of the Gods. I'm in year 10 now, and every turn takes around 1 hour to resolve IF I'M LUCKY. The program gets stuck a LONG time on the "AI Thinking" phase, altering between Running and Not Responding, and about 50% of the time it just hangs up completely on the phase. (If it gets past the AI Thinking phase, everything becomes fine)

Now I know that turn resolutions take longer and longer, but I've never had the game just hang up on me like that with no response, and in any case I would expect that Battle Resolutions should have been the primary timeclogger. I have supplies set to 300, but both Rl'yeh and Ermor are dead, and in any case I'm not sure how that could cause the AI to think in real game-world time.

I'm running Windows 7 64-bit on a C2D T7100 and 2GB of RAM, which is not great but should be more than enough to handle the load. The system is actually rather responsive (Dom 3 seems to use only one core) even when Dom 3 is resolving the turns.

Anyone can offer some input on that?
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