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Go Back   .com.unity Forums > Illwinter Game Design > Dominions 3: The Awakening > Scenarios, Maps and Mods

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Old April 8th, 2010, 10:54 AM

Belac Belac is offline
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Default Mod Project Idea: Historical References Mod

Based on the superb Byzantine Pythium mod, I have an idea for a broader-based mod that introduces more historical references and contact between nations. Most of these are intended to be minor changes that boost the nations involved in limited ways or introduce a flavor-interesting but not super-powerful new option.

Ideas include:

LA Caelum gets human hoplite units, similar to LA Arco's (this references the Greek mercenaries who fought in the Persian civil wars, a la Xenophon and the Ten Thousand)

LA Machaka, a new nation based on Caribbean voodoo practices and slave religion (i.e, Marignon and Man conquered Machaka at the end of the Middle Age, referencing African slavery in the new world). Magic would be based on Water, Blood, and Death, and units would be mobile guerilla-types with weak stats for late age made up for by lots of stealth, assassins, and spying.

Agartha gets anchored in place in Dominions-India. MA Agartha gets (more expensive) Kala-Mukhas, who fled underground from the victorious Kailasans and were enslaved by the Agarthans, as well as perhaps another Lanka-based hero. This also gives them a little blood for Blood Stones, which would strengthen them in vanilla. In LA the connection dwindles to a Kala-Mukha multihero.

In keeping with the "lots of limited underwater access" nature of LA (Ermorian undead, Jomon summoned Kappas, Mictlan Rain Warriors, etc), LA Pangaea gets a cap-only unit and commander Icthysatyr and Icthysatyr Chief, who represent fugitives from fallen Oceania.

I'm sure there are lots of other potential ideas out there.

Last edited by Belac; April 8th, 2010 at 11:13 AM..
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