Originally Posted by NTJedi
Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
Would you care to specify a unit that, once incapacitated, would be impossible to kill for some nation?
First the attacking unit is NOT incapacitated... not sure where you pulled this idea. Turn_75 does not equal incapacitated. The attacking unit is still actively healthy and moving on the battlefield during turn_75 due to berserk or some other natural trait. And when an angel with a tower shield, regeneration, and it's natural awe cannot be harmed by the "best" military the natural population of peasants have no reason or intention of risking their lives. Heck if a town discovered a hundred navy seals were killed by some beast which resisted point blank C4 explosions then OBVIOUSLY the citizens of the town will let the beast control that piece of the beach.
Sure something can eventually be done to initiate another attack, but that would require a separate (game_turn)strike from the military not the general population! You are mistaking the effectiveness of general population as compared with an actual military and mage strike force.
99% of the time when i see a combat go to turn 75, its because the last remaining enemy units *couldn't* retreat. (Encased in ice, passed out and unable to get below 100 fatigue due to fatigue causing effects, etc...). Ie, incapacitated.
In the specific case of berzerk, eventually that berzerker rage ends. Generally, berzerkers are exceptionally tired when they come down from their rage. Its not unreasonable to say 'turn 75' is when this happens, and its not a far cry from being incapacitated.
Any other unit should have managed to retreat by turn 75.