Re: Markata Madness, all age game (killing in process)
I had a freaking dom 9 pretender and couldn't get my dom to spread all game. I started sandwiched between Burn and Tollund while Jarkko had the other side of the map, so my dominion spread kept getting eaten by theirs.
I was also enroute to alt 7, but i wanted phoenix pyre for my F1S1 mages to hand them boots of flying, amulets of vengeance, and repeatedly firebomb the enemy ranks. It would have been glorious. Sadly, my total inability to actually hold provinces (repeatedly attacked by indies with lk3 is just silly) and my stalemate with burnsaber prevented me from doing anything quickly this game.
My pretender had 3s in most things, F2N1B1, and I empowered to S4 to avoid getting magedueled too easily.