Various Questions
1) I can give a commander with nature magic (like an Imperial Alchemist) nature boosters so that he is no longer suffering from old age (since each level of nature magic pushes back the onset of old age). Can I use this in conjunction with healing to cure afflictions that would otherwise be incurable (barring Gift of Health or The Chalice)?
2) While playing a game of MA Ermor I set an Ermorian Cultist (H1 caster) to reanimate Soulless and a Grand Thaumaturge (H3 caster) to reanimate Longdead Horsemen in a province with no corpses. Next turn I had a collection of Longdead Horsemen and no Soulless. Do Soulless require corpses to raise or is there some kind of check that an H3 caster has a higher chance of succeeding at than an H1 caster?
3) What does the Reincarnation ability of the Kailasa Gurus and Yogis actually do?
Dominions 3 is a great game that I have been exploring for about a month now but there are lots of little nuances (in addition to big ones) that I have yet to figure out.