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Old December 16th, 2009, 01:15 PM
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Default Questions on unit classes for Andy/Don

Andy/Don, if you know something off the tops of your heads I'd appreciate it.
Do NOT waste time digging thru the game code for "100% accurate" answers.
I'll be more then happy with a "best guess".

According to the MBT Game Guide:

UnitClass 45 = Sniper

"Size 0 gives extra hide and extra difficult to hit abilities. Extra inbuilt accuracy."

It's clear that being size 0 makes a unit harder to spot and hit.
But, the description also says "Extra inbuilt accuracy".

I'm thinking (brainstorming, whatever) that one might possibly classify a unit such as a SEAL 2-man scout team as a sniper thus allowing this "elite" type of unit to hit more often then the weapon tab data normally allows.
Of course, I'll also increase the "experience" and "morale" ratings of SEAL formations in the formations tab.

Questions are:
1) How significant is the accuracy increase for a sniper class unit? Would the combination of this plus the "experience" and "morale" rating increase create a "super unit"?

2) The USMC added a "Designated Marksman" to each infantry squad in 2001. Generally armed with a M-21 (the USMC uses the bolt action M-40 as it's "real sniper" weapon) which I've added to the OOB (13 range, 20 accuracy). By game conventions should a "designated marksman" be classified as a "sniper" unit or merely a size 0 "infantry" unit?

UnitClass 56 = Ammo Carrier

"Crew is 1 and speed must be 0, supplies small ammo only (to WH size 3), low supply points per move (20 ammo points). Range 1 hex."

"6 or more men, speed must be 0, loadcost>49, an ammo dump supplies at lower rate (~1/2 rate) at 2 hexes range, full rate at 1 or less, has more supply per move(60 ammo points)."

"Anything else is a normal ammo truck, 40 ammo supply points per move. Range 1 hex."

I'm trying to figure out how WinSPMBT determines which type of ammo resupply ability it grants a unit.

1) That is to say, is the fact that an ammo canister is BOTH "crew 1 and speed 0" what gives it "supplies small ammo only (to WH size 3), low supply points per move (20 ammo points). Range 1 hex."?

2) If a unit had a crew of 2 OR a speed greater then 0 would it be classified as an "ammo truck"?

3) Is the fact that an ammo dump is "6 or more men, speed must be 0, loadcost>49" what gives it it's abilities? Would a 6 crew, speed 15, loadcost>49 be classified as an "ammo truck" because it's mobile or an "ammo dump"? (Not that I have any intention of creating a mobile ammo dump, just trying to understand how the game classifies things).
Suhiir - Wargame Junkie

People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." - Albert Einstein
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