You know how in secure games when the opponent has reloaded (for whatever reason) his turn, you get a warning message?
Would it be possible to have some warning message so that when you try to reload a turn you have already played, you get it?
I will give an example from something I did, and I am sure it happens to other people too.
I played my turn, I ended my turn. Something came up, I didn't sent the email. (in my case high fever, but whatever) Hours later I noticed the opened email and I proceeded to re-download the file and copy the files in the game folder and proceeded to play my turn (cause I thought I didn't originally, or that this was a new email, I don't remember). After a few seconds I realised my mistake, but it was already too late since I was in the game-turn. Now, if I had received a warning message when trying to load/play, I could have cancelled it. Granded, in the specific case it wouldn't have done much good since I overwrote the files, but in other similar cases it can save turns/games.
What do you think?
That's it, keep dancing on the minefield!