Research: Std.
Mods:...Single Age, Balance & CBM 1.41 are combined in the attached BalanceGame mod. See: for notes.
Map: Parganos 8+1; See below
Banned: Hinnom, Ashdod. Bogus Orders, Lab-filling.
GoodPlayerPledge: Yes please.
Map Discussion:
Due to the presence of LA-Atlantis, I wanted a map with around 15 provinces per player and fairly uniformly distributed water. I believe Parganos 8+1 fits that description.
My second choices were Pangaea and Primea Semi Rand (just for the interesting randoms). Absent objection I will open the game for pretenders later today.
Changes done by the Balance Mod:
1. Most path boosters are more difficult to build. Due to the limitations of editing, this means they are both more expensive (more gems) and require more paths to make.
This is to give a small boost to the nations that are naturally multipath: yomi, tc, bogarus come to mind, for example.
2. No generators. Clams, bloodstones, and fever fetishes are not forgeable. Compensation was given to the most affected nations. Except, sadly Machaka once again.
3. Old age is removed from some secondary units from weaker nations, (abysian assassins for example).
4. Some weaker nations get new national spells, units. Agartha, Yomi, Oceania.
Anyway most of the changes can be documented in the Balance mod.
(Which the most recent update to the mod will be attached to this thread tomorrow).
Because I wrote the mod, I will choose nation last.
ChrisPedersen: EA-Agartha
Ossa LA-Atlantis
Pelthin LA-Pangaea
Ghoul31 Ea-Niefleheim
AlpineJoe EA-Yomi
AlgaeNymph LA-Agartha
Bwaha EA-Sauromatia
The Vanishag LA-Mictlan
Strabo MA-Oceania