obat06 France mech platoon loading problem
Long post for a minor error - apologies in advance.
oob 06 France formation 177 Mech Inf Pl
and I assume the parent Coy formations
Time - October 1960
There are four Unit 90 AMX VCI with a carry cap of 10 which is sufficient to load the three unit 254 Mech Inf Sec at 9 men each.
The last APC carries unit 255 Lt Mech Inf Sec at 5 men
one inf-AT formation of either
unit 112 Bazooka Team at 2 men or
unit 114 75mm RCL at 4 men
one MG unit formation of either
unit 267 7.5mm AAT52 MG at 3 men or
unit 269 12.7 HMG at 4 men
The math (and experimentation) shows that unit 269 cannot be carried in any configuration. The minimal load of Lt Mech (5 men) plus bazooka (2 men) gives 7 passengers total of the 10 seats in the AMX leaving the 4 .50 cal boys to slog along on foot (Au Pieds Colis being the only APC left for them).
"I love the smell of anthracite in the morning...
It smells like - victory"