Let's admit it. Vanilla Oceania is pretty boring nation to play. Both thematically and gameplay wise. Hence this mod.
It's now in early gametest phase, and I'm mostly looking to balance the costs of various new summons and recruitables. I'd also like to hear how people like the new themes. Do they make the nation more intresting? Or am I going too far from the vanilla themes?
The goal of this mod is to make Oceania desirable and balanced nation to play in both SP & MP.
List of gameplay changes:
-- Land recruitables changed to new units.
-- Knights of the Deep got reduced stats and are now capitol only.
-- Triton Kings got H1
-- A2W1 Summoning spell for Selkie (mage A3W2N1 seducer on land, A1W2N3 animal spawning seal on water) and the Cursed Queen summon spell W5H1 (size 5, 100hp, W2N2 with 210% S/D and 100 W/N/E picks)
-- 1W1N & 2W2N land summons for ichtysatyrs and ichtycentaurs respectively.
-- The Flood national spells. A2W1 spell that gives mist & rain, W5A2 coming of the flood (very strong battlefield spell) and W4H1 "Will of the Kings" that sends Tidal Wave event.
-- 5 new heroes
New Themes
-- Triton Kings and their quest to flood the world and regain old glory
-- The tragedy of the Triton Queens
-- Meddlings of the Selkies in the affairs of Oceania
-- Mermen and their position in Oceanian Triton noble society
-- Mermen and their lives in their coastal villages
The current mod only changes EA Oceania. I'll make one for MA Oceania, but I'd first like to hear what people think about this one. Especially about thematic changes, since the MA version will likely be just stuff moved from this mod with thematic description changes.