Helo Scouts-Recon by Suicide?
Finally, getting into WinSPMBT a bit. Last night was playing a generated 1980 scenario and was using a helo as a scout to locate enemy forces. As far as I can tell, based on just a little experience, the only time a helo sights an enemy unit is after the enemy unit fires on the helo. This leads to two questions:
1) Do helos commonly sight enemy units without first being fired upon? Sorta Recon by Suicide.
2) I seem to be unable to either move or change the altitude of a helo once it is fired upon until the firing event is concluded. While this makes sense for gunfire, it seems wrong as I sit there and watch the missile getting closer and closer and even closer - seems like the helo should be able to dodge during this looonnnng wait to be hit. It the helo a sitting duck or am I missing something that would enable my helo to dodge?
Thanks for any advice.