Re: MA Argatha - go punch a mountain
EA has better bless prospects due to recruitable anywhere Sacreds. MA wants to tailor the bless for their statues (thought I argue N4 really is a powerful tool for MA Agartha), and there's almost nothing that works well with them.
Fire - Minor is a no brainer, Major won't play well with geared Oracles.
Air - No seriously? Major has niche use, can't imagine worth the points, and Minor is a joke for Agartha.
Water - Minor is nearly useless on such low Def units, Major could be fun, but is a weak path for Agartha to invest so many points into.
Earth - Minor is excellent for mages, Major is no good for statues.
Astral - Minor is good for statues, Major will largely be wasted on Oracles who will want more than 18MR.
Nature - Minor is great for recruitables, and for path access, Major would be silly.... can Mindless Constructs go Berserk...?
Death - Minor could be powerful, but it makes Earthquakes dangerous to you as well, Major is also bad for geared Oracles.
Blood - Minor could be alright, Major, no.
So really taking into account the entire picture, the ONLY Major bless that even makes any sense for MA would be W9, but it's hard to justify the expense for that. That is, unless statues can Berserk, in which case, running an N9 could almost be worth it, as Berserking would turn these critters into juggernauts.