I was reading the mauual and came across an artifact called Horror Harmonica.
It says it lets horrors loose on the battlefield and they kill eveything in sight (both sides).
Why would I want to invest in this item when I would lose it after using it one time.
Wouldn't Ghost riders ect be better use of gems?
Also, I have been reading on 2 other items.
Momolith armour and ring of sorcery.
I understand ring of sorcery and what ti can do for you but is it worth getting it over other valuable artifacts.
Monolith armour ( I come from the RPG background that says better armour longer life).
Would that Armour be good on a commander (say a Myrmidin) with boots of the messenger or would it need the amulet of resilance also because it s so heavy.
I don't think I have ever seen anyone use it before so I was wondering its actual value.