I have put together a simple mod scanner application. It scans through all the Dominions 3 mods you have on your computer, and generates a an interface for viewing their contents by mod, unit, spell, item, or pretender. Consider it a dynamic, but very simple compliment to Edi's database for your mods, or a manual supplement.
I have compiled versions for Mac OSX, Windows, and Linux, but I've only tested it on the Mac.
Future versions - well, maybe I'll implement a way to click on an item and get details, maybe I'll incorporate sprites, maybe I'll incorporate a version of Edi's database so "#copyspell", "#copystats" etc. won't result in mystery values in the modscanner. Maybe a preferences/settings file. But, don't hold your breath in the meantime.
Also, if somebody can share with me the "default" mod folder installation path for Linux and Windows, it probably won't have to ask every time.