Originally Posted by chrispedersen
2) You can't use both #secondaryeffectalways and #secondaryeffect for the same weapon. You need to make a "chain" of weapon effects. At least didn't work for me a while back.
Could you show one of your chains of weapon effects?
What he means is that you do this.
Weapon 1
#secondaryeffect 2
Weapon 2
#secondaryeffect 3
Weapon 3
#secondaryeffect 4
Weapon 4
This would create a weapon that strikes someone, does the damage/status from 1, then 2, then 3, then 4. So you could hit someone, do damage, knock off their armor, poison them, and slime them.
I think you need to be careful about the order though. I think damage always has to be dealt by the current weapon in the chain for it to call the next weapon.