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Old January 22nd, 2009, 10:30 PM

Aezeal Aezeal is offline
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Default Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP

hmmm the idea is nice.. balancing it might not be so nice though..
graphs seem pretty easy.. just a lot of pixels in a greyish color

Pirians will probably be a better bet to start on a fire-ish nation could fit better for now (the niche isn't filled yet)

I myself have (aside from Machaka) still that Jedi idea in my head.

Sacred padawan recruits,
Jedi knight leaders (sacred)
Jedi master summons (sacred)
Jedi Supreme master summons (sacred)
Droid troopers (NNE and inanimate)
Droideka trooper (NNE and inanimate)
Bountyhunter as scout/assassin (weakish assassin for dom3K though)

X-wing medium starfigher (recruit)
A-wing weak starfighter as 2nd form for stormtroopers)
B-wing strong starfighter or bomber (summon)
Y-wing Bomber (summon)
Vulture droid fighter (summons?)

Jedi's in space would be in A-wings too but would remain sacred and the leaders able to buff.
Summonable Jedi's in stronger ships (might not be that usefull)

All jedi will be H1/N1 (or S1 but that give vulnerability for duels etc)
the Jedi power spells will be either H1/N1 (holy spell which you start with) or N1/H1 (which will be somewhere researchable.

next to that I'd need some sort of real magician (I'm thinking doing it ulmish style so engineers) I'm thinking EDNF as paths

If I put Sith in (summons maybe) that would work as Jedi's but with H/D.. which probably won't add much to the nation.

sprites are the problem as usual.. I'd like to test work on those force powers

Ow In 0.8 there will be added
- Shiar
- Neoclidia

- an ulmish turret (sprite + att sprite) + (spaceform sprite + att sprite) as summon

and did some spriting ** WARNING polished is somewhat subjective ****

- New sprites for Orc spacecraft (+ attspr)
- new sprites for Ulm cap and dreadnaught (both HUGE) + Att
- att sprite for kraken and ancient kraken (different solutions)
- polished the ulmish transport sprite, pirate sprite, ulmish fighter sprite
- polished wyrmling sprite & bonebiter sprite
- att sprite for ghostdragon
- att sprite for tank and orc tank (with nice backwards movement on blast)

Changed some of the many typo's which I accidentaly saw... didn't check it that much though

removed Amos line about death scales from the insects.
Want a blend of fantasy and sci-fi? Try the total conversion Dominions 3000 mod with a new and fully modded solar system map.
Dragons wanted? Try the Dragons, Magic Incarnate nation.
New and different undead nation? Try Souls of Shiar. Including new powerfull holy magic.
In for a whole new sort of game? Then try my scenario map Gang Wars.
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