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Old December 18th, 2008, 05:42 PM
Gandalf Parker's Avatar

Gandalf Parker Gandalf Parker is offline
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Default To Generate MANY Gods

Ive often created a god multiple times to get the epithets (titles) I wanted after his name. But its never been as important as my upcoming Chronicles (multiplayer) game where winning is less of a goal than creatively writing the story of your actions is going to be. After spending most of a day and not getting what I wanted, my usual lazy self kicked in and asked "why dont I automate this"?

I started using AutoHotKey (open source, free) macro software on WinXP. It can record mouse movements which is VERY important since I cant get thru much in Dom3 by keypress alone. AutoHotKey did not like Dom3 in full window mode. I figure that the stretched screens messed up the XY pixel locations. I also discovered that the xy recordings are not specific to the programs window. If I moved the Dom3 window then the recording didnt work.

So it goes like this. Open Dom3 in windowed mode (mine opened pushed up against the upper left corner of my monitor), start the recording, finish the recording, save it, edit it to loop 100 times. Now it should work fine if you have always just opened your dom3 and didnt move it.

By the way, Dom3 limits you to 200 gods. (Yes Johan I can see you cringe). Everytime he picks a number that he thinks no sane person would ever need higher, I come along.

I can make rename newlords directory (in the savedgames directory of Dom3) and make a new newlords directory then make another 200 gods. Then I batch send them to my linux server so I can run CatGod on them and grep (grab all) that have some of the titles I want so I can see wht other titles it got. I want King of the Crossroads which works well for the storyline and something like The Hidden One is fine also but for my character "Eater of Babies" just wont do.

Of course, these tips also work for creating a macro for anything in Dominions. You can assign the macro to a keypress and invent your own "commands".

Gandalf Parker
To some people, unlimited options seems to them to be zero options.
Without a menu of choices, they are lost.
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autohotkey, automation, gandalf parker, macros, utility

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