Sunslayer & MR
I've been noticing lately that Sunslayer seems to work just a little too well against high-MR units. I tried to check the debug log to see what the penetration bonus was, but as far as I could tell there was no resistance roll at all. It appears that Sunslayer has no MR resist at all!
6402 striking with weapon Sun Slayer. att31 def21
hitloc Malik strikes Longbowman wl3 diff-6 -> 4
hitunit 6402 8985 dmg13 spec3 ba4
damage 25 on Longbowman, spec0x3 ba4
NextWeapon Area Death has aoe 5 anim 10140 5
blastsqr: unr6402 x32 y14 aoe5 dmg8 eff2 spc524416 as10140 al5
affectvic vic12189 hv2
hitunit 6402 12189 dmg8 spec524416 ba-1
damage 15 on Earth Elemental, spec0x80080 ba-1
affectvic vic8989 hv2
hitunit 6402 8989 dmg8 spec524416 ba-1
damage 12 on Longbowman, spec0x80080 ba-1
affectvic vic4640 hv2
I may be reading this log wrong, but for sure MR-18 units (30 Hangadrottir) are not anything close to immune to Sunslayer, unlike say a Shadow Brand.
Bauchelain - "Qwik Ben iz uzin wallhax! HAX!"
Quick Ben - "lol pwned"
["Memories of Ice", by Steven Erikson. Retranslated into l33t.]