SUB needed EA Vanheim - Beer
Seems I have need for another sub, this time for Vanheim in Beer.
There's actually quite a bit of history for this position, let me weave the tale.
In the beginning the people of Vanheim rallied behind their new pretender, very soon they unleased a holy war against the giants of Fomoria and wiped the floor with them. They were dominating the world for maybe the first year or two. Soon the people of Agartha, fearing the mighty Van machine launched an attack to quell the upstart pretender. In about the same time the people of R'lyeh, after warning the Vanease to leave the waters, forcibly removed their presence from the worlds seas. With this dual onslaught the general who had led Vanheim in a very successful initial campaign 'vanished'.
The land was in chaos, the people in fear as they were losing territories to both Agartha and R'lyeh. Then a new ruler was found and he swiftly mobilized a defense and negotiated a border with the new ruler of Agartha, and pushed the R'lyeh invaders back into the sea. From that time on there has been nothing but peace for the people of Vanheim, but unfortunately for the people, yet another successful ruler has 'vanished' and the people are just minting with no direction.
Can you take up where the previous rulers of Vanheim have left off and conquer the world of Alexander? PM me with your email if the answer is...YES!