I remember KO asking some time ago if in our opinion, some spells were given a too high priority by the AI... it came to my mind today looking to one battle...
Does someone else think Sermon of Courage is too high on AI-casting-priority?
While I totally understand the importance of the Moral of my troops, it looks like my mages if left unscripted (which I sometimes have to do, i.e. when passing to another level of Evo or Ench, hoping my mages will cast the great new spell I can't script now) spend a lot of turns rallying every single square of my army, and lose very nice opportunities of highly damaging the enemy army sooner (preventing their cavalry to even get to my troops i.e.) and risk to damage my own troops casting the damage spells when the armies are already near and fighting. Wouldn't also the troops use a rally better when they've started taking some casualties?
Also, I'd like to see my mages if left free to move at will (Stay behind troops) take a bit more the initiative to go a little forward to cast that buff (i.e. Legions of Steel) they missed on the first line the first turn... If I just want my mage to stand and cast spell there's the "Cast spell" command, no?
(Here would come the final part where I say that's a little thing in a big game anyway, and I totally love the game no matter what, but I've already said this
ad nauseam in all the months spent on the board so I pass this time