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Old November 5th, 2008, 01:57 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Odd AI Behavior

Since it seems to be coming up, I figured I would start a thread on AI actions that seem out of the ordinary or illogical:

1. Running into their own minefields, before visible contact established between opposing sides.

2. Dashing West out of prepared positions during a defend, before victory point hexes have been captured. The time this happened, my units had been spotted and engaged, but the AI units were actually heading away from those units. I was in the enemy rear at the time and do have a nice screen print of this.

3. AI dropping artillery 9 hexes in front of my LD before I have even moved on turn 1. Impossible for me to be there yet.

4. Auto pivot to face frontal armor toward firing unit. I understand what the intent was here, but this gets more tanks killed than anything. Normally, the firing unit is off at an angle to the target and this angle creates an artificial armor slope which the code takes into account when determine shot effectiveness. That artificial slope causes shots to deflect the vast proportion of the time. I know often I won't get a kill on a target at an angle when firing a gun marginally capable of killing the target. I just keep firing until the pivot and then the kill comes. When I fire, I always angle my armor off full frontal so that I get benefit from that when the target fires back, if it doesn't die. I have to re-angle my tank after each responding shot. It renders British 2pdrs very ineffective except at very close range.

Last edited by RERomine; November 5th, 2008 at 02:56 PM..
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