Originally Posted by Mobhack
I have never seen the AI reinforcements in hundreds of battles in reduced visibility unless I had eyes-on to the enemy arrival, so you either had someone over there (including air strikes), or there was a bug, or you are mixing up the review map at end-game (when all enemy are visible). Do you have a save from well before they arrived?.
What about just seeing units that are beyond the visibility range? I have another game going and just saw a mortar at a distance of about 22 hexes. Visibility is 9, but it's sitting on a hill, proud as can be. None of my units have been any closer than 22 hexes. Not sure it's even fired yet because it's oriented straight ahead. No smoke plume over the hex. I do know there is a location that did take mortar fire 38 hexes directly in front of it. It was a lovely sight to see British mortar fire pounding their own entrenchments. Warms the heart, it does
I do have a save file on this one.