Originally Posted by chrispedersen
I wasn't actually really needing to change how the save works.
I just want to remember what game I'm playing!
Ahhh I understand now. Yes I have often requested that Dom3 would list the games in order of age instead of alphabetical. My local games are often named "asdf" so I have a desktop icon to take me directly into that game. I have it next to the desktop icons for each MP game Im in which take me directly into those without having to retype IP and port numbers each time.
Was it that you wanted to remember the name game for going back into it? Here I will attach a bare little file. Unzip it to your dominions3 directory. Clicking it will send you directly into the latest game that was played. Unfortunately it doesnt recognize local games from network games. Feel free to edit it to add switches for other things such as nofades nomusic nocredits windowed
Gandalf Parker
I apologize for not using the latest greatest programming languages when I would prefer just getting something done.