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Old September 6th, 2008, 04:57 PM
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Edi Edi is offline
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  • GUI Map Tearing & Battlefield Tearing Some maps experience tearing under some circumstances and the tearing seems to be caused by the filtering functionality in Dominions 3. Turning filters off, closing and restarting Dominions is a workaround. It is quite possible that the tearing seen on battlefields in some combats, especially on some battlefields (the sloping ones) is caused by this problem. Setting battle details to 5 or so usually solves it as a workaround. Both of these problems appeared after patch 3.10. The problem with map tearing is discussed here
  • GUI Shortcut 'y', issue nbr 1 Sending an army to a province, then selecting province and using 'y' to manage incoming armies will not allow shift-clicking to select multiple units from the incoming army but shift-clicking to select units already in province works.
  • GUI Shortcut 'y', issue nbr 2 setting an army to move from province 321 to province 123 where you already have an army, then going to 123 and hitting 'y' shortcut only allows placement of army from 321 and army already in 123 is not shown on battlefield overview.
  • GUI Scouting Reports Sometimes game decides to give player "enemy army reports" on his own armies.
  • GUI MSG Screen No exit button, details here
  • GUI MSG Esc key Using Esc to return from Research to Messages (if you view Rsr from a link on the Msg list) sometimes returns you to Msg window scrolled way way down past your actual messages Happens fairly consistently with long message windows.
  • GUI MSG Question Mark Commanders Late game occurrence, all commander icons in the Message window may be replaced by question marks. If this happens, clicking ?Go to Commander? will only find the first commander in the list. Commanders still exist and work as they should, the game just loses trackof them in the message window. Ewierl has save files available.
  • GUI GRAPH Nation Vanishing on Defeat Anytime an opponent dies the graph of the opponent vanishes (did not happen in Dom2). At the end of the game there's no way to review the progress of the game because no one remains. This one is a very important issue to quite a few players even though it does not actually affect the progress of the game or cause crashes.
  • GUI GRAPH Limits Income, gem income, dominion and research graphs seem to have hardcoded limits to the values they display and the values seem to be low enough that they can be (at least for income, dominion and research) be easily exceeded. When a player hits the limit, after that nothing is shown, so doubling or tripling of income will just show the same flat line at the maxed out graph value.
  • GUI Numeric Keypad Numeric keypad arrows seem to have stopped working in 3.06 (they no longer scroll the map for example). They worked fine in 3.04.
  • GUI Resource Carryover Display does not work correctly. When recruiting units from a province, GUI will show negative resources on the turn the player pays for the units, but does not display subtraction of negative resources from previous turn correctly in the display even though the subtraction does occur.
  • GUI Orders Menu Menu can still appear in wrong place when opened by pressing space while a commander is selected. Appears partially or totally off the right edge of the screen if the mouse is in the middle of the screen. Esc to quit the menu and using space again usually gets it back in visible range.

  • SYS VPs, Command Line & Dedicated Servers When starting a new game from the command line for a dedicated server there always end up victory points in the map, even if you didn't touch those settings and even if there is no VP victory in the game. Is this supposed to be WAD? Is it possible to turn this off? (This report courtesy of lch)
  • SYS File time stamps File time stamps are updated on the server in MP games even when the player elects to Quit Without Saving
  • SYS Save & Quit Save and quit when connected to the server actually uploads the 2h file even though the warning message says it will not upload. This can cause problems when the server is on quick host and you are the last player to take his turn. It can cause premature end turns.
  • SYS Incompatible Battle Replay: An old Dom2 bug making a comeback, battle replays of the same battle may show a different outcome between different operating systems in certain situations. Link to bug discussion thread post

  • EVT Siege & Indie Monsters: If a castle is under siege and the province is hit with an event that causes a monster attack (barbarian horde, knights, vine men, vampire count, necromancer, Bogus etc), nothing happens. The siege goes on as usual and after the sieging army successfully storms the castle or the defender successfully breaks the siege and kicks the invaders out, the monsters from the event emerge out of timewarp and attack the victorious player, shutting him inside the castle and requiring another break siege. Presumably such independent army should attack the besieging army on the turn it appears. This was fixed and the fix worked, but caused side effects that would have altered game behavior and turn sequence too much to be acceptable. The new feature was thus classified as a worse bug than this one.
  • EVT Siege & PD Increase: Events that increase PD can happen in provinces where a castle is under siege and therefore under the control of the sieging player (who can't buy PD until he has the castle). Such events do not have an effect, but presumably they should not happen in provinces with a siege going on. Update: These events do have an effect, as the person who is sieging the province does get the PD and it stays with them. It also acts on the sieging player's side in battle if someone attacks the province (Break siege or other attack)
  • BHV Siege Blood Sacrifice When sieging a fort, the sieging commander (happened with dryad if that matters) gets the option to perform a blood sacrifice in command list (though the temple naturally belongs to besieged).
  • BHV Move to Break Siege & Lesser Horror: Moving a commander into a break siege battle at a castle when that commander is going to be attacked by a lesser horror in the next turn can cause the game to crash during battle processing with a "unit2com inconsistency" error.
  • BHV Siege AI 1: The AI sometimes behaves weirdly in siege situations, requiring an inordinate amount of time (on the order of several turns with 100+ army) to destroy castle walls despite there being only one mage with no troops inside. Update: This seems to be caused by the AI sieging algorithm getting stuck, i.e. it can take dozens of turns to try to break down walls with even a huge army becasue something doesn't add correctly, but if any disruptive event oir other change occurs (e.g. a battle in the province), all of the accumulated effects from the sieging army are applied all at once.
  • BHV Siege AI 2: Independent forces (barbarians etc) never storm forts they are sieging even if they break down the walls.
  • EVT Cave Provinces Cave provinces can get inappropriate random events, for example, "A hailstorm has devastated the countryside killing cattle and shepherds."
  • EVT Amber Clan event monster nmbr Event that gives an Amber Clan Mage to UW player should give monster 575, not 1417

  • IMMORTALITY 001: Immortal units do not respawn in capital when killed in friendly dominion. Detailed discussion in this thread. Phoenix pretender observed repeatedly autorouting in battle inside own dominion the first time it was killed despite having Phoenix Pyre in effect. The Phoenix was the only unit for that side. Immortals should not rout in own dominion?

  • AI Dominion Suicide The AI can commit suicide if it chooses a sleeping pretender, as it has no idea how to avoid an almost immediate dominion defeat. Probably most problematic with Mictlan.

Last edited by Edi; January 14th, 2011 at 04:06 PM.. Reason: Update


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