Ed you should apologize to Annette for any reference to her as a nazi. copyright or other. It's just plain rude and if I could I'd spank you. there was no call for rudeness on your part, she was just stating the company policy.
There is an 'extreme' solution.. if I provide a 'link' to every source image I made an avatar out of 'AND' the Avatars themselves could be connected to the 'link' then it falls under the heading of advertizing.. you are using 'their' graphics to point people to 'their' site. it's 100% acceptable practice on the net. No court would or could condem a fan for promoting their fav image.. if things were 'extreme' on the other end.. I managed to violate 42 copyrights by making new icons for the 'bookmarks' using their 'favicons' or graphics from their sites. (without express written consent from each of these sites)
Personally I'm not worried, I'm not the paranoid type,.. but it just takes one 'lawsuit' to make anyone a little more paranoid. Nobody is using these avatars to make money, nobody is profiting from these, if anything it generates interest when someone sees an avatar and they delve deeper to reveal it's source. 'Nobody' goes to 'Any' forum.. sees a nice avatar image and says/thinks "Gee this is a nice avatar, I think I'll show my aprieciation by spending money here." lol.
I say "Chill people, it's a non-issue!". I'll make a few of the AoW avatars, and leave the decision weather or not to move any of them to the 'default selections' up to shrapnel. That is the best solution.. you all get access, and shrapnel cannot be responsible for links to my photobucket account.
Nuf said, now back to the fun..