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Old August 6th, 2008, 08:55 PM
Mindi's Avatar

Mindi Mindi is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
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The site conversion to new software will occur this weekend. At the moment we are anticipating a 2-3 day outage starting early Saturday morning. You all should be aware of the following changes/occurances with the new software:
  • 1. All of you that use a different login name than display name (i.e. the name you use to login in with is not the same as the name that people see on the forums) will no longer be able to do so. The new software uses only one name, so we will be taking everyone�s display names as your universal username.
  • 2. As has been posted now for 3 weeks, you can only have 100 total PMs in your in and out boxes when we do the site conversion, so any of you with more than that will have everything but your latest 100 PMs deleted. We do have an issue on the import that will sometimes add PMs you�ve sent to your sent folder if the other person has them still in their inbox even if you previously deleted them. This may make you go over your allotted limit when you first log in, so please clean up those boxes once you get in so we don�t have to do it.
  • 3. Avatars that are over 20k in size will not be ported over to the new forums. That�s a very generous file size and if your avatar is over that and you want to keep it, you can edit your image in just about any graphics program.
  • 4. Our limit on the new system is 80x80pixels for avatars. On this software we only allowed 48x48, so you are getting more space. Those users with avatars over 80x80 will not be imported. On the current software large pictures are resized down, so you may not even realize you are on the list. Please check it, it was posted last week and can be found in the Shrapnel General forum.
  • 5. The new software will have an infraction system which will help take away some of the manual work the moderators and administrators currently have to do. Please make sure you look over the infraction system carefully so you know what the rules are (rules have been updated) and the penalties for breaking them.

If I think of anything else everyone needs to know before the conversion, I will update this list.

Thank you,
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

For those looking for with this forum, please see Annette as I am retired.
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