Re: Ghosts and what not
Summon Earthpower is also a good buff for a Cyclops as it will grant you reinvigoration 4, which will partly solve the emcombrance problem. Don't use the spell and then ignore Endoperez's advice though, the spell is no substitute for a low encombrance build.
Also Fists of Iron is a melee range spell, much like Hand of Death and Freezing Touch. By its very nature it is a hard spell to script as your pretender will simply cast another spell if no target is directly next to him. If your pretender flys, then this becomes less of an issue as you can be sure that after one round of flying you will most likely be next to a valid target. The scripting in your example might look like such:
(Barkskin)(Attack)(Fists of Iron)
Rremember, without flying you may need to attack for many more rounds. Attack always advances your commander foward toward the closest opponent. In my opinion, Fists of Iron isn't the ideal spell for this sort of tactic. My favorites are close range area of effect spells like Shock Wave and Flame Erruption. However, it must be noted that I haven't actually seen Fists of Iron in action when using a powerful earth mage.