Can\'t launch attack
My cousins and I were playing Last night, and I was the first to encounter an alien race. The Xi'Chung eventually declared war on me, and so I attempted to attack: his colonies and his ships. But, my ships NEVER MOVED! At one point there was a destroyer right in front of two of my ships, and nothing. I give the command, I check the "eyeball", it says it is seeking the designatated target, but never moves. This has happened again tonight, repeatedly: against planets, colony ships and war ships. Am I doing something wrong, is there a glitch in my program or what? Because it is bad enough that I'm am weay less than thrilled with how the computer handles 'strategic combat' but this is not just ridiculous, it is unplayable. I hope someone has a reasonable solution, cuz at this point, I'm through with SEIV Gold net game. Solo still great fun though. Guess I may have to wait for MOO3 for some more good 'controlled combat'. Last enjoyable game was Imperium Galactica II, but the AI was sooooooo bad after the first fleet encounter.