das123 said:
If you had to quantify what statistics/buffs for a Thug and also for a Super Combatant are minimum, average, maximum, and also a rating out of 5 for the importance of the statistic, what would they be? With buffs and items put in brackets the importance, once again, out of 5. The statistics are AFTER buff and items have been applied.
Hit Points 30 60 400 5
If you dont have much HP, you need really good protection
Protection 12 20 30 5
With low protection, you need mistform, without a prot of at least 20, so that swarming enemys dont hurt you too much.
Defence 10 14 20 1
Who cares for defence, you will be swarmed anyway
Magic Resist 18 22 30 5
Only use MR 18 agains non astral nations, the more the better
Strength 10 16 20 2
More strength more damage, but as must damage will come from AoE, it is not really important
Attack 14 18 21 2
Aoe hits always, and most SC chassis and weapons have high bonuses, so attack is not really an issue
Precision 8 11 15 1
SCs are not supposed to wield bows
Morale 13 18 50 3
Dont use low morale scs that dont fly so you dont suffer emberassing deaths
Encumbrance 0 0 2 5
SCs need fatigue 0, so encumbrance kills
Fatigue 0 0 0 5
there is no different option than 0
Move (Battle) 8 12 50 3
if it moves faster, it engages faster but wathever.
AoE Weapon (or lots of attacks)
High Protection
Poison Resistance
Fire Resistance
Cold Resistance
Shock Resistance
High MR
Body Ethereal
Mirror Image
Soul Vortex
Fire Shield
Astral Shield
Phoenix Pyre
Breath of Winter
Heat and Cold auras
and many more