Endgame Strategy List
After ~ 1 year of Dom 3 MP I have now seen many endgame strategies e.g. those goals you are working toward while you expand and research in the early/mid-game:
1. Tartarian Factory: Bootstrap your death magic to summon Tarts, Gift of Reason them, and hopefully use the Chalice / Gift of Health to make them whole.
2. Vine Ogre Factory: Summon tons of Vine Ogres (or Manikins/other Chaff) and use Army of Lead, Fog Warriors on them.
3. Enslave: Be able to cast Master Enslave/Undead Mastery on your enemy (try to cast it first), followed by Antimagic, Fog Warriors, etc. and preferably with Rune Smasher, Eye of the Void, Spell Focus, etc. for max penetration
4. Clam Hording: building clams throughout the game to generate huge astral income that leads to wishes.
5. Chain Wishing: wish for more gems, then Seraphs. Other ways to play this one out?
6. Market Crash: Spamming remote attacks like Ghost Riders / Horrors with Scouts /other stealth units following up with an attack to quickly bring down an economy
I'd be curious to compile some others as I think one of the toughest aspects of learning this game for a noob is not knowing what you are working toward and overestimating the strength of conventional troops. Perhaps a list like this exists somewhere else but I did not see anything comprehensive in a forum search.
i crossed blades with the mightiest warriors of the golden age. i witnessed with sorrow the schism that led to the passing of legends. now my sword hangs in its scabbard, with nothing but memories to keep it warm.