Just a few questions/quibbles:
If forces from different nations attack the same province on the same turn the order that the battles resolve in is deterministic based on nation number. It is NOT random as described in the rulebook. p66
Strictly deterministic? I could have sworn I have seen it switch back and forth. Could it be one of the things that either goes in order or reverse order?
The attack current province command on a hidden unit will join any magical attack made on the province as opposed to moving during normal unit movement. p71
The hidden unit will wait until normal movement if there is no magical attack.
I'm not sure you didn't mean this, but it seemed unclear.
Prophetizing a high-level priest is not actually a good idea. p95
A matter of opinion. Fanaticism and the boosted banishment can both be good things. I'd agree Word of Power isn't worth it. Early on getting a cheap prophet without waiting and recruiting an expensive priest may be best, but later on I'd rather have 1 H4 prophet and a bunch of H3 priests than a bunch of H3 priest one of whom is a prophetized commander.