Re: Multi Star Real Map, NEED HELP
My thought was for making this map was to change the rules of the game to better match RL space travel. Combat would remain the same with multiple movements. But, traveling from one solor system to the other would take several turns. I guess the best example of this would be Rebellion. If anyone is familar with that game, and believe I was, then you would understand what I am trying to do here.
Imagine a game map with 10 galaxies with each galaxy having 20 systems, and each system having up to 10 solor systems with each solor system having up to 12 planets. the core of the Galaxies would be connected to each other and each of the systems connected to the core.
Games would truly become epic, and the maps would look more RL in nature. The grid map would work well with this set up, and with each solor system being represented by a star, they too would look real. Hell you can even leave some systems has black holes, organic infestation, etc and still have excellent game play.
I just want a galaxy that would best use the 20 races with a good chance that they would not come into contact with each other for 200 + turns.
All other tech could be modded to benefit this idea. Too bad Aaron did not set the map editor up with a few automated features such as REPEAT, COPY, or mass create according to X parameters.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.