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Old June 1st, 2008, 05:50 AM

Luckmann Luckmann is offline
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Default Hello everyone, and I could use some advice.

Hey everyone, new member here. Started playing Dominions 3 just less than a week or so ago and I'm totally hooked.

As usual, I can't stay away from modding the game to my liking. First, it starts out slanting things in my favour just a little bit. Then when I get the hang of it, I look into editors and before I know it, I'm throwing sprites and programs around, editing textfiles by hand. Just like any game that's easily modded.

I've done three custom pretenders so far and I usually base my sprites on already-existing ingame sprites. My last one was "The Ecclesiarch". I've got a online friend that I usually throw ideas with, back-and-forth, showing my work to.

But when I threw him that one (originally based around the Lich Queen and intentionally meant as a anti-undead character) he immediatly reacted "Totally OP". Personally, I don't see why.

Awe & Fear are both +2 and only really helps with not getting hurt. Making the unit "Sacred" is an unfortunate sideffect of being based around the "High Inquisitor"-commander; It's not intended, but since the character is supposed to be a "Pretender-by-proxy" character, I don't mind.

I deliberatly tried to make the character unique, as far as pretenders go. It gets considerable bonuses to pillage, patrol, and Fortune Telling. Immortality isn't immortality per see, but fluff-wise it's just that the pretender, as long as the "proxy" is within his domain, can flee the body and appoint a new proxy.

The 6 Priest Levels is more or less the one single reason for the high (compared to many others) cost of the character.

I JUST don't see this character as OP, except arguably when facing large amounts of undeads (6 Priest, again).

So instead of keeping up with arguing with my friend over it's supposed overpowered-ness I thought I'd throw ball with you people instead that have a better general grasp. Is it really OP? Or is it in fact UP and should have it's cost lowered? Or is it perfect?

Please, any comments would be helpful, since I always try to strive for mods that fit into the spirit of any game, albeit unique in execution.

Oh, and before I forget, my name is Varenus von Luckmann. A pleasure being here.

Edit/Addenum: Here's a link to a screencap of the Ecclesiarch. Compare it to the Lich Queen (which I originally used as a base and had in mind when creating the character) and the Prince of Death which I'd be willing to consider as OP in comparisom, especially since it's actually at a LOWER cost. And with an insane +13 Fear.
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