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Go Back   .com.unity Forums > Illwinter Game Design > Dominions 3: The Awakening > Scenarios, Maps and Mods

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Old May 19th, 2008, 04:41 PM

MaxWilson MaxWilson is offline
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Default Mod questions (Yomi and indies)

I'm considering two mods for my "HouseRules.dm" file. I'm curious whether anyone has implemented anything like this, i.e. was it possible and was it fun? Will it work the way I think?

1.) Yomi's demon's have ghost-forms which are cool, but reputedly don't do much to enhance survivability. (They're ethereal but Prot 0, and still banishable.) I'm considering modding the ethereal forms of all Yomi units to have very low Morale (probably 4-6) and increased MR. The idea is that demons which are forced into ethereal form flee to fight another day. Will this work the way I think? I don't have a lot of experience with Yomi but I like the ghost form thematically and would like to make it useful.

2.) Some people have complained about the weakness of the indie grimoire, i.e. fire mages casting useless little Fire Flies. Since the grimoire is hardwired to certain spells, you can't mod it directly. However, it should be possible to mod Fire Flies to be identical to e.g. Fireball, and Fireball to be identical to Fire Flies. This should only affect indie mages and magic items which are also hardwired to certain spells. Will this work the way I think? And, is there a resource available which lists all the spells in the indie grimoire?

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["Memories of Ice", by Steven Erikson. Retranslated into l33t.]
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