AI_Politics Error/Question
Hi Folks,
I've been installing a few shipsets on my work machine (They are mostly the ST ones from Atrocities sig) and I ran into these errors when the turns are processed. They are all "could not find in field 1" or something similiar.
Send Declare War 8
Send Remove Your Colonies from System 5
Response Friend accept tribute 5
Response Friend NO Support [something] against empire 5.
I checked the AI_Politics files and made sure they all had lines like:
Score Percent to Send Remove your colonies from system := 80
Will Send To Friend Remove your colonies from system := True
Will Send To Enemy Remove your colonies from system := True
And they all do. I'm working on one error at a time. Anyway, any one got any ideas? I installed all these same shipsets on my home machine Last night with no problems (but i may not be using them all in that game). Also, the error is always when Empire 4 is taking their turn. They happen to be the Last emp to go, so does that mean the error is in Empire 4? Or could that mean the error is in any of the races. Why doesn't it tell you the file name with the error in it (that would help alot wouldn't it?). Also, i Copied my entire SIEV directory and renamed it "Modded SEIV" and am running the seiv.exe from that directory. Could that be part of the problem? I know i can use path.txt, but a whole new directory just seems easier to me.
Thanks for the help guys.
p.s. i wrote this very quickly from work, so if their are a billion typo's i apologize.