Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Heh. Whoops. Looks like I need to do some fast backpedalling here.
thejeff is absolutely right; I had somehow managed to forget that I had attacked Vanheim first, it's true. I *did* offer him an NAP before that though, which was rejected out of hand (and rather rudely too! ; ) So it had been a choice of sit and wait for him to attack me, or take advantage of the shortcut he provided me into Agartha's lands...
And to C'tis: sorry if I offended you (and for that matter, Machaka) then. I didn't know you were in a war with Machaka! I was having mildly paranoid visions of Machaka, C'tis, and/or Ulm jumping on the badwagon to take me down--while Pangaea sat back and watched the carnage, rubbing his hands and cackling with glee. I still stand by my accusation to Pangaea of having ulterior motives for urging everyone to attack me!
As to what other options Man has...good question. The unavoidable fact is I am the best contender to win the game. I can't argue against that. (And isn't it ironic that I wish that weren't true right now? ; ) All I'm trying to do is warn your back. The graphs don't tell the whole story; I am a *long* way from being anywhere sure of winning the game!
Edit: Changed Sauromatia to Machaka.