I don't think I have ever seen this question asked, but here goes. I'm currently playing my first, almost totally core, long campaign. In the current battle, though I could peek, but would rather not at this time, I am suspecting the AI Poles have not bought a single form of defend support in the mines/dragonsteeth category. There are two roads, one paved and one dirt. I have ran into Polish infantry along the paved road, but no sign of mines. From what I have seen both through play and through hitting the auto-deploy on my own side, I can see the paved roads are always mined, with at least a mine or two along the first hexes of contact, but this being my first almost totally core long campaign assault mission, I am seeing none of that. Across the whole Polish front (around hexes 70-75) the only thing I see that indicates that indeed I have an assault mission is that the Polish infantry are dug in.
So my basic question is, if I literally pick no support points for myself, though I actually picked a very small amount, will the AI on defend missions be close to incapable of buying anything from the mines category? I am generally trying to pick a somewhat larger core than I usually play with, but with little or no support.