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Old March 22nd, 2008, 05:59 PM

Valerius Valerius is offline
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This is an update of Lazy_Perfectionist's original Strategy Index. Many thanks to LP for putting the original list together and to Edi for help in getting it updated.

I will probably notice new strategy threads but if you don't see them added within a few days please PM me. Also, if there are older threads that you think should be added let me know. Guides to mod nations are also welcome.

Edi has suggested using the original Strategy Index thread for discussion and keeping this thread uncluttered.

NEW - I will mark new additions for a few months to help people who don't visit the forums frequently.

Original Strategy Index<--- please use for strategy index discussion

In addition to the information listed here it is worth your time to check out the D3 wiki at http://dom3.servegame.com/wiki/.

Brainstorming Nation Strategies

Thoughts on EA Abyssia (guide)
Late game EA Abyisa. Where is the on button?
LA Abysia: Discussion and a Proto-Guide
EA Abysia - Looking for advice, and bread
How to fight EA Abysia?
Beginner's Guide to Abysia MA
MA Abysia... mmmh
MA Aby CBM Strategy
Blood Hunting as MA Abyssia?
MA Abysia - Devilicious
MA Abysia: The Burninator Flies Again
Abysia and magic research
Death scale on Abyssia

Agartha, Pale ones - a study in darkness (CBM) [EA]
Strategy for Agartha Early Age
How to handle early game(MP) of EA Agartha ?
EA Agartha guide
EA Agartha - the game's red-headed stepchild (CBM)
Guide to MA Agartha (In prog) - Pretenders
MA Agartha, or Yet another thread fishing for tips
Advice On Middle Age AgarthaAgartha: Golem Crafters
Getting the max out of MA Agartha
MA Argatha - go punch a mountain
Counter against Agartha's Marble Oracles?
Pale one soldier-attack 8/old age
LA Agartha Advice Wanted
LA Agartha - Armies of Darkness
Agartha, from my under-the-works demo guide

Beginner's Guide to EA Arcoscephale
Early Arcoscephale - Ephebophilia incarnate
EA Arco - uncle moneybags [CBM]
A few thoughts on MA Arcoscephale
ME Arcocephale Strategy Guide

EA Atlantis a love/hate relationship
Atlantis, from under the works demo guide
Nation guide: MA Atlantis
LA Atlantis, another thread looking for tips
LA Atlantis - frozen death from all directions

Demo Guide to Kailasa
Thoughts on Kailasa
Kailasa guide [CBM]
Bandar Log - you whipped me with what?!?
Guide to playing Patala competitively

Bogarus Quick Guide
NEW 2/8 - A glance at Bogarus

Caelum and 2 changes to gameplay
EA Caelum
EA Caelum – Ride the lightning [CBM emphasis]
MA Caelum - Fear of Flying
RoRlum (Late Caelum)
LA Caelum vs. Ermor
NEW 2/8 - Return of the raptors – Eat electric death!

Guide to EA C'tis
Good High Bless strat for EA C'tis in MP ?
Guide to MA C'tis
Beginner's Guide to C'tis MA [CBM]
Bless for LA C'tis?

Ermor - Early Age Guide (?)
EA Ermor Guide
EA Ermor revisited
HELP: Ermor, Broken Empire (Middle Age)
MP Guide to MA Ermor
LA - Ermor - Ashen Empire: Pretenders
Ermor LA Start
LA Ermor - myth, legend, or overrated tripe?
LA Ermor's dominion effect
Ermor AE/LE strat-questions
MP Guide to LA Ermor - The Ashen Empire
LA Ermor vs. mass priests
Some questions on LA Ermor

Fomoria - Where is your God now? (AKA - The Other Giant Meat)

Counters to Niefelheim
Dealing with an early N9 E9 Niefel Giant rush
Niefelheim - Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?
jotunheim guide/advice needed (MA)
Jotunheim MA Guide
LA Utgard guide

Helheim dirty tactic
Helheim advice
Helheim - lets burn some rubber [CBM emphasis]
Driver's Ed: A Vanilla Quickstart Companion to Baalz's Helheim Guide

Yet Another Hinnom Guide
Ashdod proto-guide
A Few (Really) Good Men: Guide to Ashdod
Beware of Ashdod
Censer and Incense (Gath)
Gath- What does it have going for it?
Gath - The last of the Giants

Lanka: unit stats, comments and tips
Lanka Guide (and Mini-Blood Guide) 3.10 Patch
Blood Kings: Lanka vs. Mictlan
Beginner's Guide to Lanka

machaka for newbies
Machaka screwed more than ever ?
Machaka – a sorcerer’s fevered arachnophobia (CBM focused)

Any Man Advice
Advice for MA Man
MA Man Advice Needed: Proper Use of Units
MA Man - Making the best of a bad deal
LA Man - Death and Taxes
LA Man - Castle Warfare

MA Marignon
MA Marignon Advice Needed (and newbie questions)
The Royal guide to Marignon, Conquerors of the Sea
LA Marignon guide

Good Pretender design for Marverni?
Newbie help with EA marverni
Guide to Marverni
Nation Guide for Marverni

Guide to EA Mictlan and bloodhunting
EA Mictlan - extension
EA Mictlan Setup - Q's from a noob
Understanding Mictlan
ME Mictlan(written prior to the patch that added Sky Priests)
Guide to Middle-Age Mictlan
Mictlan Storm Eagles?
MA Mictlan - An Introduction
LE Mictlan woes
Blood Kings: Lanka vs. Mictlan

EA Oceania on land
Getting EA Oceana out of the water...
MA Oceania
MA Oceania - OMG, I think I've done it [CBM]

a difficult Pangaean strategy
EA Pangaea strategy
New Player Questions, EAPangaea, Rainbow Mage, Etc
Some thoughts on EA Pangaea with CBM
MA Pangaea strategies
MA Pangaea-best starting troops?
How to use Pangea songs?
LA Pangaea
Pangeae: Late age hints needed
Late Era Pangaea
Questions about LA Pangaea manikins
Carrion Woods
LA Pangea - a rotten way to go green

Pythium's Magery
Ah ha, a MA Pythium question...
OW's Guide to MA Pythium: Marx and Angels' Communion Manifesto
The pythian prescription
A Poisoner's Guide to LA Pythium

Guide to EA R'Lyeh
Fighting EA R'lyeh
Some hints on MA R'yleh?
MP guide to MA/LA R'lyeh
R'lyeh Dreamlands and Void Summoning
LA Ry'leh, help wanted
More LA R'lyeh and spellcasting questions
Questions regarding R'lyeh Dreamlands
Best way of fighting LA R'lyeh?
LA R'lyeh or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Dreamlands

Sauromatia: Lawful Evil

Yomi eats nothing!
Yomi - Oni Kings analysis. Developers please read
Yomi 3.21
Beginner's Guide to Shinuyama MA
Shuten-doji: How does flute aura work exactly ? (MA)
Guide for Competitive Extreme MA Shinuyama
The Way of Mount Shinuyama
Jomon advice wanted
Guiding Jomon
Tips for Yomi, Oni Kings
Jomon's new summons (how is Jomon now?)

Good Pretender for T'ien C'hi?
Tien Chi and conscription
EA T'ien Chi
Old Age & EA Tien Chi?
EA TC help
Guide to Tien Chi (moved to wiki) This was the only TC guide on the wiki
MA Tien Chi tips
MA T'ien Ch'i - a little of this, a little of that and BAM!
Request: Tips for LA T'ien Chi
LA Tien Chi: Barbarian Kings Strategy Guide 2.0

Eriu guide

EA Ulm advice wanted
EA Ulm - Flying Conans of Doom
Guide for MA Ulm
MA Ulm vs Elephants
Build me an MA Ulm thug
MA Ulm using Blood Magic
Tips with MA Ulm
MA Ulm Pretender
MA Ulm - you called me a forge what?
Starting setup for LA Ulm
LA Ulm's silly starting position, help needed!
Getting the most of LA Ulm in multiplayer.
Thugging Out Vampire Counts? (LA Ulm)
LA Ulm: Goths Gone Wild! or, Flying Immortal Vampire Harbingers of Dooooooooooooooom! [CBM]

EA Vanheim build order and long term strat
Tips for Vanheim
Midgard Play Tips
OW's Guide to Midgard, Scales and Skinshifters

Mod Nation Guide - Themiskyra
An introduction to Arga Dis, Blood and Bronze
Enter the Rat Race A Skaven Strategy Guide
An Introductory Guide to the Lizardmen Mod
Warhammer Lizardmen - Join the Communion Commrade
Tomb Kings: The Honorable Dead
NEW 4/28 - Primer for Ogre Kingdoms, Gathering of Might

Last edited by Valerius; April 28th, 2011 at 03:02 PM..
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