Blitz - Early Age, Handicapped, Silent Blitz
I wanted to see if there was any interest in a new format game. Heres the rules:
Blitz: Every Saturday 10am - Noon EST: Turns blitz on a 30 minutes schedule. Daily otherwise at midnight.
Silent Auction: People bid points for the nations they wish. High bidder wins, or first poster in case of a tie.
Points bid must remain UNUSED in Setup. If you don't bid on a nation you will get a random nation from those unallocated.
Handicapped: Newbs with <5 MP games - No point penalty.
Ave with <20 MP games - 10 pt handicap.
Expert 20+ MP games - 20 pt penalty.
So, for example if Kristoffer were bid 13 points to play EA Ulm his pretender design would have to show 33 points remaining.
Modifications- Tartarians and Arcane Nexus will be modded out of the game. Other mods as per bg (Essentially increased costs for clamming, etc.)
Victory: Majority of Victory Locations.
MAP: TBD by # of players participating.
Comment: So what do you think? I like the idea of expert players being able to show newbies the ropes - and still let newbs have a chance of winning. Tartar sauce and arcane nexus is off in order to force expert players to come up with new ways of winning. Bidding should help to balance - and encourage underused (and perhaps unfamiliar nations) to be viable. And Blitz is just because I'm ADHD - I like to see lots of combat - as well as people that can plan fast on their feet.
So.. if theres interest.. I'll start off by bidding
Tien - 1 pt.