Caelum MA - subing at turn 35 - advice wanted
Like the subject line says. Caelum is doing very well in this now 12 player MP game (Testament of Blood).
What should I Caelum shoot for? Can't give any details of my position, so asking for general advice on research and how best to play Caelum. Especially what to watch out for from my neighbors - Abysia, Helheim, Pythium and Jotunheim.
All except Abysia and Helheim are seperated from me by several sea provinces that I control. Abysia seems to be the only nation besides Caelum in the water.
I'm familiar with the mammoths backed up by archers tactic, but how long can you get away with that?
Fed Slayer
<font color="green">May those that love us, love us.
And those that don't love us, May God turn their hearts.
And if He can't turn their hearts
May He turn their ankles, so we'll know them by their limp.
- Old Gaelic Blessing</font>