January 27th, 2008, 03:28 PM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: Sound Mod
Cross said:
Hi Don,
Sorry to hear about your HD crash. I've had one or two of those, never good...
As for a 'sound map' I coincidently found an old one yesterday posted on some obscure corner of the internet.
It's a word doc and is similar to what you are talking about as it's a rough guide. It also lists sounds for SPMBT. I'll upload it to this post so you can download it.
I compared it to the SPWW2 sound map (rough guide) that I've been drawing up from scratch, and it's encouraging that we came to a lot of the same conclusions regarding the identity of various sounds. However, I disagree with it in a few places.
I've renamed the file but otherwise it's exactly as I found it.
When I've completed my own SPww2 map I'll also upload that.
That one you found isn't one of ours. IDK who did that on. The one I had was done by a playtester in excel and compared the existing sound files used by both games and was produced when we were first working on MBT .