Marcello said:
I thought I might toss a couple of ideas.
1) A few "tall" buildings, which would enable any units in them to see farther in the urban landscape.
2) Some trick to make overpasses without having to use rivers and such.
Second that
I'd also like to see 1) 1-hex deep water - something like wider stream with heights of -3 and lower (deep water) being available. There are many rivers narrower than 50 meters and still impassable.
2) Also it'd be nice to have more road-terrain interaction, say road on rough - now it behaves as road whether you are driving along it or are coming to it from open terrain, I'd like if it behaved like road just when you are driving along, but upon entering from neighboring hex it'd be Rough (or impassable or whatever). Scientifically speaking, now all terrain features are anisothropic, I'd like to have the linear features isothropic.
(another example - fire trenches, they should allow fairly quick movement of infantry along them, but penalise crossing as it is now)
But I doubt the 2) is possible. OTOH 1) - there was terrain feature like this, IIRC in SPWAW, it was called "canal" and was generally graphically wider Stream and behaving like deep water.