Hey there fellow modders!
I have always felt the power of holy magic was not great enough. Sure it can bless and raise moral and banish, etc. But it can not lay down some serious hurt. Since dominion and holiness are so central to the game, why then is holy magic not better.
Well, now it is a little better, with my latest mod. This mod, so far rather small, adds several new spells. These spells can only be cast by holy magic. They are as follows:
1) A level 1 holy, and more powerful level 2 holy combat spells. They send massive bolts of divine energy across the fild the blast away the infidels.
2) A level 3 holy spell affecting the entire battlefield, which converts some of the enemy to your god's side with divine power.
3) A level 3 holy spell which rallies(summons) some fanatical guys to fight for your god in a battle.
4) A spell the same as #3, but as a ritual that summons more men than the battle spell.
I am still coming up with other ideas, and any other ideas are very welcome as well. These spells are open to the holy-users all nations, so it should not be too unballancing. Give my any feedback you like for future versions, etc.