Improving TDM AI�s
Whitout using diplomacy (bo teatries with anyone) i can consistently beat 19 TDM AIs with low bonus, while with medium bonus i can beat the AIs around half of the time...
While the AIs have good ship numbers/design and resource production is on par with me, i noticed that, shortly after the initial game stages, my research production is always the double of any other AI empire and probably the main cause that the AIs are so easy to defeat, since my tech tends to be always more advanced...
I do some modding, but i�m too lazy to mod all the AI files, so, there is any modification that i could do in facilities/components that would increase AI reserch without increasing my own?
Currently Playing:
Megamek (latest dev version with home-made random campaign generator), Dominions 3 (with CBM) and Sins of a Solar Empire (heavily modded)