Dumbest (dead) Oni in the world
deploy_side 3593 at 6 15 (w60 h30)
My Oni enters the battle in 6,15
castspell: cnr127 spl754 (Blessing) vis0 x6 y14 spldmg1
Yay, he casts Bless! He's the only Yomi around for miles. (Unless you count his dogs, but it's not like they are sacred or anything.) But what's that you say? He's not at (6,14)?
blastsqr: unr3593 x6 y14 aoe1 dmg1 eff10 spc1086373888 as10217 al9
blastsqr: unr3593 x5 y13 aoe1 dmg1 eff10 spc1086373888 as10217 al9
blastsqr: unr3593 x5 y14 aoe1 dmg1 eff10 spc1086373888 as10217 al9
blastsqr: unr3593 x6 y13 aoe1 dmg1 eff10 spc1086373888 as10217 al9
blastsqr: unr3593 x7 y15 aoe1 dmg1 eff10 spc1086373888 as10217 al9
You think he'd actually cast the 100 Precision Bless on himself. Dumb (now dead) Oni!
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.