Hi all. Llamabeast is hereby urged to start a Sloth-game. Sloth is a South American Mammal and will fit his naming tradition. Sounds laid back and cool.
I have convinced JK to play as well.
LA Abysia needs some attention, so thats my call.
JK will go for LA Marignon.
Hmm, perhaps it is better if Llamabeast posts, since he usually manages his game threads.
KO - Abysia
JK - Marignon
Baalz - Arco
DrPraetorius - Utg�rd
Jazzepi - Ermor
Yucky - Patala
QM - Mictlan
Amhazair R'lyeh
Sir_Dr_D - Ulm
Shmonk - Man
Aethyr - Midgard
Folket - ?
Hadrian_II - Jomon
Llamabeast - Caelum
Shard - Tien Chi
HJFudge - Agartha