Capuchin - Big newbie EA game - started
Time for another newbie game I think.
If we can get enough players I think this one will be 14 players, on Cradle of Dominion. Otherwise it'll be 8, on Parganos.
I will actually be away from the boards for most of the weekend (friends visiting), but please sign up below and I'll get the game set up to accept pretenders on Sunday evening. Because I won't be here to keep track of who's taken which race, make sure to read other people's posts before you pick a nation.
The game will be EA, with just the Worthy Heroes mod (a simple mod that adds to the variety of national heroes that turn up). All settings will be standard.
One thing I should add for newish players: I don't recommend playing in more than two games at once, or three if you have lots of free time. Early on it will be fine but later on it can get a bit taxing. Always better to be playing too little Dominions and wishing you had more than the other way round.
Players so far:
Tir n'a n'Og - duke_commando
Ulm - Firewalker
Abysia - Aapeli
Niefelheim - DonCorazon
Ermor - Cicadian
T'ien Ch'i - everz
Agartha - shogi
Fomoria - Freakboy
Kailasa - sum1lost
Oceania - Wokeye
Caelum - Sivoc
R'lyeh - darkchampion3d
C'tis - Janlm
Helheim - spacht