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Old September 3rd, 2007, 04:19 AM

jutetrea jutetrea is offline
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Default Re: New nation: NATURE rising 0.30

Ok, yup I'm a dumbass. That being said, it was fun combo'd.

Pros: Great thuggable commanders, stealth heavy preacher, ants, great sacreds

Cons: Costly units, ants, lack of magic diversity, lack of magical leadership variety, slow research

I'm slogging through another game now, 8 player (no indy) aran, almost down to 3 nations and I'll roll over the rest methinks. Much tougher.


Water nations - what to do? Pure pretender or indy luck so far.

Research - recommendations? Real slow

Cost - gold is still a huge issue, even with order 3 growth 3, sloth 1, heat 1, luck 2 I'm always poor.

Seems there's a big jump from the cheap units, hawk/boar/dog to the medium units spider/lion. <10g to 40g. The spider might be worth the 40g, but I'm not sure the lion is. I think a good medium 20g unit might be nice.

ants - it really seemed my whole game revolved around ants and research. The 2N guys for ok priced research and magical leadership and masses and masses of ants.

Didn't bother much with the elephants, figured if I was going to spend 100, might as well spend 160 and get a sacred berserker.

Bears are great, very difficult to mass due to cost, but with recup they stick around awhile.

ants - it really seemed my whole game revolved around ants and research. The 2N guys for ok priced research and magical leadership and masses and masses of ants.

Is the limited magical leadership part of the grand design? the 2N guys having 40 normal leadership was very very key.

Any chance of getting a good chunk of magical leadership for under 100g?

Most of my game consisted of buying the 2N guys everywhere I could every turn, troops on the front line (which tapped the gold) and ants everywhere else. Slowly move the ants to the front to get armies of 200-400 and use them as buffers for the real troops. After a battle, consolidate and move the mages into a lab to summon animals or vine ogres.

Guardians were very very fun, favorite unit by far. Thuggable, but by no means unbeatable. Survival went way up once I was able to branch into other magic paths/items. I've got like 10 running around currently.

Vine queen - only built 1 to cast GoH and Mother, haven't used for much else except the freespawns a bit.

Keeper - Didn't use many keepers (1), could never afford em. Didn't have a big bless, and didn't stealth preach. Was nice for pushing dom at the borders though. Next time I'm going to try to use these earlier.

How are the tanglers, didn't really use them. Price primarily.

Went with a sleeping enchantress 4F4E4S4D, worked out ok, missed the 5% regen, although regen rings were plentiful.

Got lucky and got a gnome, witch, sage and lore master sites which eventually got me into all the paths.

How are you feeling about varying the magic just a bit? Even with 1 unit with a 2 random in something like 1N 100%NX 50%X

nature/water - oceania
nature/death, nature/blood, nature/earth - Pan
Nature/Air - man, Eriu
Nature/fire - not too thematic
Nature/astral - ??

I think air or water have to be accessible via pretender or nation just to deal with water nations. But curious to see if I'm just blind to an approach.
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