newbie, newbie, newbie
oh, BTW, if people actually check old newbie Posts after a reply or two is posted, and it is thus bad form to spam the forum with repeated new Posts, let me know and I will restrict any more of my questions that occur within a resonable amount of time on one post. for now, tho...
I have a ship set! a big one! very nice, built with photoshop...and they seem to be psd files. I managed to get one to turn to a bitmap, but the rest are unusable! arrrghh! anyone have any ideas? my poor Sauron Dominium languishes in photoshop heck!
I was also wondering...I added a new tech area,and suddenly applied intelligence was not recognized. is there a maximum number of the various types of techs, IE expansion is only really allowed upwards?
BTW thank you to everyone for your quick responses to my Last post. I really appreciated the info. I should have the krill, norak, sallega, and various generic ai speech patterns up by the end of the week or whenever I figure out how to upload, whichever comes Last.
There are a million million inhabitants on each of a million million remember that, whatever happens, you shall not be missed.