Re: Mod for Dominions 3 Wishlist
No, there will not be new buildings in the game. Some magical sites with additional properties can be found by mages, but there is currently no way of making sites by spending gold or gems, they can only be found by searches or in some cases created by random events. We could possibly make spells that creates sites, but it would not become available through modding, I imagine, since event-modding must be implemented first, and a bit unlikely, although fun if implemented.
When we created dom-ppp ten years ago we had played several games with the build-up mechanic. We thought that most important buildings should be present in a kingdom. The building of a well or a barrack struck us as silly, so we simplified things to focus the game on recruitment and use of armies. This was before there was any magic to speak of in the game. Later on magic became more prevalent, and we decided to restrict research and build up to the magic part of the game and have soldiers and armies being a constant.
In retrospect it might have been good to have some possibilities to strengthen your armies, but it wouldn't sit well with me to make national troops unavailable at the start. After all they are part of what makes a nation unique. Magic tends to make a nation thematically blurry, especially so in dom2, where all magic was more or less available to all nations.
ANd you are part right on the balancing stuff. It would be a bit of a problem, but I'd say the scaling effects of magic is curently so much more important that it would not be an unsurmountable problem. Thematic reasons are more important. If I were to add new buildings every nation and their national troops would have to be incorporated in the system. That would take time, unless buildings are very generic and not unique to any nation or what could be produced in the building.